Organization: InsideNGO
Registration deadline: 24 Jan 2016
Starting date: 25 Jan 2016
Ending date: 27 Jan 2016
Staff of international NGOs are asked to use limited resources to manage projects that aim to address complex social problems under challenging circumstances. Successfully delivering your project on scope, on time, and on budget requires a set of skills that must be learned and then refined through practice.
PMD Pro 1 is a globally-recognized certification for project managers.Regardless of where you are in your career, PMD Pro Certification will demonstrate your expertise and commitment to the profession.
Join us for a high-impact, highly participatory training designed to help NGO professionals effectively initiate, plan, execute and close projects. Return to work equipped with comprehensive knowledge of the fundamentals of project management and a set of basic tools and techniques to apply in your organization.
New to Project Management? Gain a solid foundation in internationally accepted project management concepts, terminology, tools and techniques.
Seasoned Project Management Practitioner? Share best practices with peers from other organizations who face similar challenges in their work. Continue to hone your skills through practice in small group work.
Not sure if you belong?All staff, both program and operations, can benefit from learning the language and methodology of project management. By improving your understanding of what goes on throughout the lifecycle of a project you will leave with a clearer picture of your role within the project.
Learn how to
- Organize your work in a way that will make you more effective, no matter what your role
- Develop a project charter
- Identify, analyze, and engage stakeholders
- Define project scope and build an effective work breakdown structure
- Define roles and responsibilities for your project team and stakeholders
- Discuss components of a project management plan
- Implement processes to manage project changes and issues
- Assess project risks and develop strategies to respond to risk
What else do I need to know?
If you can, come as a group!
Come with colleagues! Bring current work projects to immediately apply these concepts to your work.
PMD Pro 1 is the first level of the project management certification program for practitioners working in the development sector.
Completion of the PMD Pro 1 certification exam is one prerequisite for attending InsideNGO’s follow-up course*PMD Pro 2 - The Effective Manager*, which focuses on developing personal leadership and management skills through the application of project management disciplines.
To take the PMD Pro 1 certification exam, you will need to bring a laptop with the ability to connect to Wi-Fi.
InsideNGO is a global association of over 300 international relief and development organizations who share operational expertise, insights, and leading practices to better sustain organizations and support essential missions in changing times.
How to register:
Register now here!
Early: Dec 14 ($1,220 for InsideNGO Members, $1,420 for Non-Members)
Regular: Jan 4 ($1,320 for Members, $1,520 for Non-Members)
Late: Jan 25 ($1,420 for Members, $1,620 for Non-Members)